• Question: how people speaking?

    Asked by dmarcioch to Zach, Mark, Manolis, Elizabeth, Claire on 18 Mar 2014.
    • Photo: Elizabeth Ratcliffe

      Elizabeth Ratcliffe answered on 18 Mar 2014:

      Hi dmarcioch,
      to speak we need 3 main parts of our body 1. the lungs, 2. vocal cords, 3. mouth.
      1. Our lungs provide air to turn the voice on and make sounds. Try holding your breath and turning your voice on – the air is blocked so you can’t. Now let the air out, say “aaaahhh” and put your fingers on your neck where your voice box is – you feel the air making the voice buzz or vibrate.
      2. Vocal cords provide sound by vibrating, when the muscles are relaxed sound comes easily, when the muscles are tense sound may not come or turn on suddenly
      3. Our mouths form speech and words, moving our tongue, lips and jaw we can make different sounds, for example saying the word “time” it starts with our tongue touching the roof of our mouth behind the front teeth. Keeping our mouth relaxed helps us to talk smoothly.

      I hope that answers your question 😆

      You can find out more here

    • Photo: Claire Vinten

      Claire Vinten answered on 19 Mar 2014:

      I think Elizabeth answered that very well, don’t think there’s any more I can add!
