• Question: do you go to events like lectures to tell people about your work ? :D

    Asked by rosieroo223 to Claire, Elizabeth, Manolis, Mark, Zach on 10 Mar 2014.
    • Photo: Mark Wallace

      Mark Wallace answered on 10 Mar 2014:

      Yes! I just got back from a trip where I was invited to speak about my work in Australia. I flew back via San Francisco, where there was another conference I went to. Going all the way around the world means a lot of jet-lag and long plane journeys, but it’s great to see so many different parts of the world, and meet other scientists there.

    • Photo: Zach Dixon

      Zach Dixon answered on 10 Mar 2014:


      Communication is vital in science, and giving lectures and talks is a great way to tell others about your work. Sometimes we even make posters to show our work!

      I haven’t been to any exotic places to speak about my work yet, like Mark, but I hope to in the future!

    • Photo: Elizabeth Ratcliffe

      Elizabeth Ratcliffe answered on 10 Mar 2014:

      Hi rosieroo223, yes I go to lectures and conferences around the UK but also around the world to tell people about our work, make new contacts and see how we can work together in future. This helps me keep up to date with what’s going on and there’s always something new to find. I find that hearing other people talk about their work helps me think about my own work in a different way

    • Photo: Claire Vinten

      Claire Vinten answered on 10 Mar 2014:

      I think getting to travel the country/world and talk about your research is one of the most fun things about being a scientist! It is also really nice to hear what other people think about your research – sometimes they have really good ideas about what to do next.
