• Question: How is your faret scientist

    Asked by emilyward to Claire, Elizabeth, Manolis, Mark, Zach on 8 Mar 2014.
    • Photo: Zach Dixon

      Zach Dixon answered on 8 Mar 2014:

      Hmm, my favorite scientist, that’s a tough one!

      I do quite like some of the famous American scientists, like Neil Degrasse Tyson and Bill Nye. They are very good at talking about science in an inspirational and fun way!

    • Photo: Claire Vinten

      Claire Vinten answered on 8 Mar 2014:

      Hi 😀

      My favourite scientist is a man called Stephen Hawking. I think he is an inspiration because he has a very serious illness that means he has to stay in a wheelchair all the time, and cannot really move any part of his body – but he has not let that stop him from doing science! He researches huge things like black holes and stars, and compares them to really tiny things like atoms. It would have been very easy for him to have given up after he developed his illness, but instead he went on to do some amazing science that had a big impact on the world.

      Thanks for that question!
      Claire 😀

    • Photo: Mark Wallace

      Mark Wallace answered on 8 Mar 2014:

      I really like Rosalind Franklin.

      You might’ve heard that Crick and Watson were the two people that figured out the structure of DNA, but it was Rosalind Franklin that actually did all the experiments. That’s worth a lot more in my book.

      Her story is great, perhaps you could get your teacher could tell you more?


    • Photo: Elizabeth Ratcliffe

      Elizabeth Ratcliffe answered on 12 Mar 2014:

      I have lots of favourite scientists who inspire me, one of them is Lord Robert Winston as I’ve heard him talk a couple of times on several different subjects and he’s always got something interesting to say. He also came to open our labs so I got to meet him, which was really cool! (may have biased my choice 😀
